our clients

Clients from every industry

Our Clients

PLG serves clients coming from all corners of the world-from small firms to Fortune 500 companies. They are involved in banking, legal, food products, medical, pharmaceutical and many more business and charitable activities. Our customers see us as their one-stop supplier to link their business to the people around the world through our translation and compliance certification expertise.



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Case Studies

Below includes some of the projects that we have completed in the past.

1. Walmart, Dual Language Product Labels

Authentic market research shows that the purchasing power of the Spanish-speaking population in the U.S. exceeds $3 trillions annually. To meet the ever growing demand of Spanish-speaking consumers in the U.S., Walmart started to make bi-lingual product labels for over 50% of the products it carries in its 4200 plus stores in the U.S. To meet this challenge, Walmart needed a translation provider who can handle translation projects with the following characteristics

  • High volume of discreet jobs – Many dozens of SKUs per day
  • Quick turnaround - exclusively within 48 hours with often 12 hour requests.
  • Strictly accurate
  • Highly consistent in content translation – the use of Translation Memory software a must
  • Competitive pricing

After a rigorous selection process, PLG was selected as an authorized translation vendor for the task. The project started March 2008. The comments we received from Walmart’s packaging agencies are: “PLG’s turnaround is so impressive”, “We enjoy PLG’s super friendly customer support”. For more information about our label translation services and the support we provide for Walmart, please visit our label translation services page.

2. Global News Media Company, Business Cards Replacement

One of the world’s largest news medium conglomerates was created through a merger of two world renowned news medium companies in mid 2008. The news company needed to make new business cards for thousands of its employees at all corners of the world of a wide range of languages. Due to the nature of the business, the cards needed to be in the hands of the owners quickly once the operation of new company started. PLG was entrusted to support the company for the translation and graphics layout of all its non-English language cards. In a span of 2 months, PLG translated and laid out over 1,000 business cards of 18 languages (Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Arabic, …). The turnaround of making each individual card was less than 3 days. The client was extremely happy with the quick turnaround, competitive pricing and the high quality of work. For more information about our business card translation services, please visit our business card translations page.

3. HydraForce, Catalog of High Precision Products

HydraForce, a North American-based high performance hydraulic valves and control systems manufacturer had used an Asian-based localization vendor for its 1000+ page product catalog when the company decided to produce a Chinese version of their catalog. Two weeks away from displaying their products in a major industry trade show in Shanghai, China, the company found out that the translation of the catalog did not meet the expected quality standard. The translation itself lacked technical accuracy. The formatting did not mirror the beauty of its original English copy. A major revision was required in a very tight time window. PLG was retained to perform the revision of more than 500 InDesign files. The client also requested PLG to make 2,000 CD copies of the catalog and to deliver to its Shanghai office for distribution in the trade show. With the support from our Production team in China, we successfully completed the InDesign catalog revision within the required time frame. PLG then further sourced the CD making service in China and delivered the well packaged CDs to the client 24 hours before the trade show began. The client was completely satisfied at PLG’s quick turnaround, excellent DTP quality, and its in-China sourcing and delivery capacity. We are currently working on next version of their catalog. Please visit our technical translation services page to find out more information.

4. Greeting cards, News Letters and Brochures: 29 Files in 47 Languages

A leading plastic manufacturer launched a major marketing and customer campaign in mid 2008. The objective was to reach people living virtually on every corner of the earth by publishing printed materials in 47 languages! PLG was chosen to be their partner with the first tier language translation firm to provide typesetting of 29 files in the 47 languages, including greeting cards, product brochures, company newsletters and study tips. PLG’s excellent project management skills and top quality typesetting all contributed to a completion of 1,363 individual InDesign files in the 3-month period. The customer was extremely happy with the execution of the project. Please visit our multilingual typesetting services page for more information.

For more case studies and projects that PLG has been recently involved in, please visit our "Project Highlight" section of our PLG Reader at http://plgreader.plg-online.com/search?q=Project+Highlight