financial translation services

Offering high-quality translation services for the diversified financial services industry

Overview of our Financial Translation Services

Technical Translations

PLG understands the diverse needs of financial services organizations in today’s global economy. With professional translation services in over 60 languages, including the highest demanded in commerce – German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Italian – PLG has the expertise to enable firms to communicate with clients around the world.

PLG has been offering high-quality translations for nearly 20 years. Not only are our professional translators native speakers of the target language, but they also have solid training and experience in translating for the financial and banking industry. We use translators who are specialized in finance, banking and business to ensure that your translation is accurate and appropriate to your needs.

Our experience spans work in investments, wealth management, commercial banking, investment banking, private equity, insurance, accounting and more. Below are examples of our past clients and examples of our portfolio of work:

Equity Research Reports Quantitative Analysis Company Summaries Credit Research Reports
Annual Reports Financial Statements Bank Statements Pitch Materials
Profit and Loss Reports Balance Sheets Investment Documents Insurance Policies
Quarterly Filings White Papers Fixed Income Research Business Plans
Insurance Claims Mortgage Applications Investor Research And much more…


A few of our financial and banking clients include:

Financial Companies

Please click on the tabs above to find out more or request a quick quote by clicking on the button below.

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Why use PLG to translate your financial materials?

Below are a few things that make PLG's financial translations unique and attractive to our customers:

  • Industry professionals with years of experience. Our professional translators have advanced degrees and/or industry experience in finance and/or banking.
  • Bilingual project managers. All of our project managers are bilingual, with a thorough understanding of the translation process.
  • In-house bilingual typesetting team. This allows for a quick turnaround, and prompt revisions when required.
  • Industry-leading Translation Memory (TM) software. Our translators utilize TM software to provide low-cost, high-quality translations quickly.
  • Glossary specific to your company or industry. We will build a glossary of finance industry-related terms prior to starting the project to ensure accurate translations.
  • Active client partnership. We welcome edits and feedback from your staff or third-party reviewers. No one knows your company better than you. PLG will always analyze and incorporate all input into the final translation free of charge.
  • Second-person editors/proofreaders. *Upon client request, we may have an additional translator review and edit the translations.

*Second-person editing incurs additional fees.

For more information about our financial translation services, please contact a PLG sales representative today.

Highlights of our Financial Translation Services

Translators Specialized in Financial and Banking Translation

Our translators hold the highest qualifications in the industry. To translate for PLG, we require our translators to be/have:

  1. Native speakers of the target language and have fluency in the source language
  2. Advanced degrees or equivalent experience in their fields
  3. ATA or other industry certification
  4. Proficiency in translation tools such as TRADOS, WordFast and other industry software
  5. Extensive cultural experience and competence

Multilevel Project Management

Project managers are responsible for any communication between the client, the translator(s) and the project team and to ensure efficiency at all stages. Project managers may also recommend ways to further reduce costs and increase productivity, and they will initiate and close the project when appropriate. Your projects are always assigned to the project managers who are most familiar with the industry and respective languages.

In-House DTP and Graphic Design Capabilities

PLG's typesetting team is knowledgeable in both graphic design and foreign languages. We are ready to work with any type of file, including Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, QuarkXPress and other common formats. Choosing to work with PLG's in-house typesetters is beneficial for the turnaround of your projects as well as any future adjustments that you may have. Read more about our in-house typesetting services...

Translation Memory

Translation memory software is a time and cost savings tool that provides critical consistency.
Key features include:

  • Horizontal and vertical consistency
  • Shortened turnaround time
  • Reduced costs on large and small financial translation projects.
  • Translator’s ability to see the previous translation of repeated content.

For more information about translation memory software, please visit our translation memory page.

Glossary Creation

As projects often feature key industry terminology, successful translations require a high degree of expertise.. Upon initiating all projects, PLG creates a glossary that is critical for translating documents for the financial services industry. A glossary may consist of 30 to 100 terms, depending on the size of the project and industry. Although not required, customer approval of the glossary is highly recommended as it can result in a significant improvement to the quality of the translation. For more information about how a glossary can benefit your projects, please contact a PLG sales professional today.

Customer Review

PLG works closely with the customer during the review process. Feedback and suggestions may often come from in-house staff who speak the foreign language or from vendors or sales representatives outside of the United States. We also welcome partnerships with any third party resources as desired by the client. This often results in a better quality translation, particularly if the project contains a large degree of financial and industry-specific terminology.

PLG will always diligently review and incorporate customers’ input into the final translation product but we also recognize that we are ultimately responsible for the overall quality of the translation.

Second-Person Editing and Proofreading Upon Request

Second-person editing is common in the journalism and book publishing industries and the translation industry holds no exceptions. While editing is not required by any means, a second set of eyes can help avoid unnecessary human errors and improve the overall quality and readability of the translations. While our translators strive to avoid errors and inconsistencies, our proofreaders and editors ensure that the end result is of higher quality.


Due to our expansive network of translators, we are able to offer financial translation services in over 60 languages, including:

French Spanish Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
Japanese Arabic German Korean
Portuguese Italian Polish Bulgarian
Russian Romanian Croatian Czech
Dutch English Filipino Greek
Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Lithuanian
Norwegian Serbian Slovenian Ukrainian
Afrikaans Albanian Belarusian Catalan
Danish Esperanto Estonian Finnish
Galician Haitian Creole Hindi Icelandic
Irish Latvian Macedonian Malay
Maltese Persian Slovak Swahili
Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese
Welsh Yiddish Hmong Laotian
Tagalog Cambodian Farsi Urdu
Gujarati Cantonese Surinamese Punjabi
      and more...