Manufacturing & Technical translation services

Producing high quality and accurate translations for the manufacturing sector

Overview of our Manufacturing Translation Services

Technical Translations

Here at Precision Language & Graphics, we understand that technical manufacturing translations can be very complex, and those projects are not to be treated like any other. This is why we strive to build partnerships with our clients vs. strictly being a supplier. Our rich experience in the technical translation field has verified that any complex manufacturing translation can only be completed perfectly when the translation provider and manufacturer work closely together. We have pressed ahead with this strategy of methodology all along. This is why we work conjointly with our clients to develop glossaries, to review company-specific terminology and to continue refining the translation process as our business continuity develops. The tabs above go into more detail about our specific methodology, and below you will see a snapshot of some of our most valued manufacturing translation partners (clients).

PLG has the capability to translate into more than 60 languages, many of which are important to the manufacturing industry, including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese. Our manufacturing translation team is led by our Managing Director, Eric Zhang, who has played a major role in expanding our translation services for the manufacturing, engineering and industrial sectors. Before joining us at PLG in 2001, Eric worked for Motorola, CTS and Foxconn as an engineer and later in various manufacturing related positions. To find out more about Eric Zhang, please visit Eric's company profile.

We commonly translate the following:

MSDS and Safety Data Sheets User Manuals Labels and Packaging Catalogs
CAD Drawings Installation and Instruction Manuals Operation Manuals Training Guides and Materials
Technical Proposals Specification Sheets IT/Computer Specifications Graphic User Interfaces
Repair manuals Reference Manuals Configuration Manuals Assembly Instructions
Patents Software Applications Maintenance Manuals Work Procedures
HR Handbooks Regulations Confidentiality Agreements Service Agreements
Contracts Brochures PowerPoint Presentations Excel Data
Websites E-learning and Training Modules Marketing Material and more...


A few of our manufacturig clients:

Manufacturing clients

Please click on the tabs above to find out more or request a quick quote by clicking on the button below.

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Why use PLG to translate your manufacturing materials?

PLG has nearly 20 years of experience in producing translations for the manufacturing industry. Below are a few things that make PLG's manufacturing translation services unique and attractive to our customers:

  • We have translators familiar with your industry. Our professional translators have advanced degrees and/or manufacturing industry experience.
  • Bilingual project managers. All of our project managers are bilingual, with a thorough understanding of the translation process.
  • We have an in-house bilingual typesetting team. This allows for a quick turnaround, and prompt revisions when required.
  • We utilize industry-leading Translation Memory (TM) software. Our translators use TM software to provide low-cost, high-quality translations quickly.
  • We create a glossary specific to your company. We will build a glossary of highly-technical terms prior to starting the project to ensure accurate translations.
  • We welcome your feedback and edits. If you have staff or a third-party reviewer who can edit the translations, this is welcomed. No one knows your company better than its own staff. PLG will review and analyze the feedback and incorporate it into the final translation free of charge.
  • We use second-person editors/proofreaders. *Upon client request, we may have an additional translator review and edit the translations.

*Second-person editing incurs additional fees.

For more information about our technical translation services, please contact a PLG sales representative today.

Highlights of our Manufacturing Translations Services

Translation Memory

Translation memory software is a time and cost saving tool that provides horizontal and vertical consistency, shortens the turnaround time, and reduces costs on large and small technical translation projects. Translation memory software produces a more consistent technical translation allowing the translator to see the previous translation when repeated content is encountered. For more information about translation memory software, please visit our translation memory page.

Glossary Build

PLG builds a glossary at the beginning of the project for all mid to high volume translation projects, particularly those that are highly technical. Technical and manufacturing industry specific terms are generally difficult to translate by even the most skilled translators. This is when the building of a glossary comes into play. A glossary may consist of 30 to 100 terms, depending on the size of the project and industry. Although not required, customer approval of the glossary is highly recommended as it can result in a significant improvement to the quality of the translation. For more information about how a glossary can benefit your projects, please contact a PLG sales professional today.

Customer Review

PLG works closely with the customer during the review process by listening to the customer’s feedback and suggestions. Feedback may often come from in-house staff who may speak the foreign language or from vendors or sales representatives outside of the United States.

Many of our clients do indeed have a third party source that often reviews their translations. Having so will most often result in a better quality translation, particularly if the project contains a large degree of technical and industry-specific terminology.

PLG is ultimately responsible for the overall quality of the translation. PLG will diligently review and incorporate customers’ input into the final translation product. We believe by integrating customer’s input and feedback, this will significantly improve the translation quality and best serve our customers’ need.

Translators Specialized in Technical and Engineering Translation

Our translators hold the highest qualifications in the industry. To translate for PLG, we require our translators to:

  1. Be native speakers of the target language and have fluency in the source language
  2. Have advanced degrees or equivalent experience in their fields
  3. Have ATA or other industry certification
  4. Be proficient users of translation tools such as TRADOS, WordFast and other industry software
  5. Have extensive cultural experience and competence

Second-Person Editing and Proofreading Upon Request

Second-person editing is common in the journalism and book publishing industries and the translation industry holds no exceptions. While editing is not necessary in many cases, a second set of eyes can assist to avoid unnecessary human errors and improve the overall quality and readability of the translations. While our translators strive to avoid errors and inconsistencies, our proofreaders and editors ensure that the end result is of higher quality.

In-House DTP and Graphic Design Capabilities

PLG's typesetting team is knowledgeable in both graphic design and foreign languages and is ready to work with any type of file, including Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, QuarkXPress and other common formats. Choosing to work with PLG's in-house typesetters is beneficial for the turnaround of your projects as well as any future adjustments that you may have. Read more about our in-house typesetting services...

Multilevel Project Management

Project managers are responsible for any communication between the client, the translator(s) and the entire team and making sure that the project workflow is as efficient as possible. Project managers may also recommend ways to further reduce costs and increase productivity and will initiate and close the project when appropriate. Your projects are appropriately assigned to the project managers who are most familiar with the industry and respective languages.

Samples of Technical Translations for the Manufacturing Industry

Below are some samples of technical translations that we have translated in the past. Please note that these are one page samples of larger documents. Please contact us if you would like to see the full sample instead.

Sample 1: Translation from English to Spanish of a Technical Manual

The first sample is translation of a manual for Conbraco Industries. It was translated from English into Spanish. Below is page 6 of 32. Click on the images below to see the full page.


Original English



Sample 2: Translation from English to Chinese and German of a Technical Newsletter

The three images below refer to a technical newsletter for UL industries that was translated from English into Chinese and German. Below is page 3 of 8. Click on the images to see the full page sample.


Original English

Chinese (Simplified)

Chinese (Simplified)




Sample 3: Translation from English to French of a Technical Manual

The below sample is a translation of a manual for a dissolved air flotation system, which was translated from English into French. Below is page 12 of 37. Click on the image below to see the full sample.


Original English



Sample 4: Translation from English to Japanese of an Operation Manual

The sample below is a sample page of an installation and operation manual for a batch broiler that was translated from English to Japanese. Below is page 30 of 32.


Original English



Sample 5: Translation from English to Portuguese

The sample below is a sample technical translation from English to Portuguese. Click on the image to see the full sample.


Original English



We have manuals for many other industries and languages. If you are interested in seeing any others or the full documents of the samples above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We commonly serve the following industries:

Pharmaceuticals Construction Electronics Engineering
Energy Food and Beverage Industrial Design Machinery and Tools
Metalworking Metalcasting Plastics Telecommunications
Textile Manufacturing Pulp and Paper Transportation (Aerospace, Automotive, etc.) Consumer goods (Home appliances, furniture, etc.)
      and more…


We have manufacturing translation capabilities in over 60 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese. The following is a comprehensive list of languages that we offer:

French Spanish Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
Japanese Arabic German Korean
Portuguese Italian Polish Bulgarian
Russian Romanian Croatian Czech
Dutch English Filipino Greek
Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Lithuanian
Norwegian Serbian Slovenian Ukrainian
Afrikaans Albanian Belarusian Catalan
Danish Esperanto Estonian Finnish
Galician Haitian Creole Hindi Icelandic
Irish Latvian Macedonian Malay
Maltese Persian Slovak Swahili
Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese
Welsh Yiddish Hmong Laotian
Tagalog Cambodian Farsi Urdu
Gujarati Cantonese Surinamese Punjabi
      and more...