translation memory

PLG uses State of the Art Translation Memory Technology

Translation Memory Has Many Benefits

PLG uses industry-leading translation memory software to provide you high quality and cost effective translation services. This page provides you a thorough explanation of what translation memory is and how we use it to better serve our clients. Below, you can watch a video made by our program manager, Crista Busse. In the video, Crista explains how we use translation memory software to prepare quotations for our clients. She discusses finding repetitions and matches, editing existing translations and keeping overall consistency and quality.

Translation Memory (TM) is commercial software that assists our translators in order to decrease costs, provide greater consistency, increase productivity and accuracy and turn around projects much quicker, all while maintaining the high quality translation you expect.

The use of translation memory software also facilitates the handling of large-volume projects with tight schedules, projects with a high degree of technicality and projects that contain a large amount of culture-specific terminology.

Please note that translation memory is not the same as "machine translation ". To find out more about the difference between translation memory and "machine translation" please visit our PLG Reader article on "The Benefits of Translation Memory and its Misconceptions".

Lower Cost

If you have large volume projects, the use of translation memory lowers the cost of your translations by analyzing and identifying repeated words or phrases. Repetitions are discounted at a third of the original rate.

To see how much you can save by using translation memory, please contact a PLG sales representative at (800) 760-1688.


A human translator cannot remember every word translated in the past. Translation memory memorizes any words or phrases that were previously translated and makes them available for the translator to use any time he or she needs. If there is content that has already been translated, translation memory can assist the translator to translate it in the same fashion as done previously.

Consistency is often a major concern for companies that need their product packaging translated, particularly those who have many similar products or product families. Translation memory has the ability to create a database where translations will be placed into "memory" so translations can be consistent between packaging lines.


With the help of translation memory, translators are able to handle multiple projects or projects with a large amount of content.

As the translator progresses with a translation, productivity will continue to increase as translation memory learns from the translator's work. A translator is thus able to work quicker and smoother as the projects move along.


The use of translation memory results in a more accurate translation. Translation memory facilitates the editing process, as translators and editors are able to freely share translations to provide you with a highly accurate translation.


The use of translation memory substantially decreases the turnaround time of a project. Translation memory provides reference translations and suggestions for the translator, which greatly increases efficiency and productivity. Without these references, the translator would have to translate repeated content from scratch and at times struggle to recall how it was translated earlier in the document.

Our standard turnaround for most small projects is 3 days, and we also have rush services available if you are on a short timeline.

If you need your translations quickly, please do not hesitate to call us today at (800) 760-1688.


Translation memory serves as a great tool for improving consistency, decreasing turnaround times and lowering costs. Overall, we have implemented this software into our regular methodology to improve the quality and overall experience of working with PLG.