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Spanish translation, interpretation & consulting

Spanish Translation, Interpretation & Consulting Services by Diego Lévano

Meet Diego Lévano


Diego was born in Lima, Perú, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology Engineering from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima. He is a native speaker of Spanish and fluent in English.

During his time working as a Google Development Specialist he leveraged his expertise in both languages to translate manuals, reports and other files from English to Spanish. It was here that he refined his knowledge of translation, and ultimately decided to make a career within the translation industry.

He has brought his cultural and language experiences to PLG to better serve our Spanish capabilities while also utilizing his extensive computer and programming knowledge to assist in our technical projects including subtitling, video and audio editing, and website localization. As part of our in-house Project Management team Diego is able to provide instant support to our clients in Spanish, and makes an excellent addition to our team in terms of both language and technical backgrounds.

Some of his hobbies include playing guitar and drums, soccer, swimming, traveling and videogames.


Diego nació en Lima, Perú, y tiene un Bachiller en Ingeniería de Informática y de Sistemas de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola en Lima. Español es su lengua nativa y habla Inglés fluido.

Durante su tiempo de trabajo como Especialista en Desarrollo de Google, aprovechó sus habilidades en ambos idiomas para traducir manuales, reportes y otros documentos de Inglés a Español. Fue aquí donde perfeccionó sus conocimientos sobre traducción, y en última instancia decidió hacer una carrera dentro de la industria de la traducción.

Diego ha traído sus experiencias culturales y lingüísticas a PLG para servir mejor a nuestras capacidades en el idioma Español y al mismo tiempo utilizando su amplio conocimiento en computación y programación para ayudar en nuestros proyectos técnicos incluyendo subtitulación, edición de audio y video, y localización de páginas web. Como parte de nuestro propio equipo de Gestión de Proyectos, Diego es capaz de proporcionar apoyo inmediato a nuestros clientes en español, y hace una excelente adición a nuestro equipo en términos de lenguaje y antecedentes técnicos.

Algunos de sus pasatiempos incluyen tocar la guitarra y batería, jugar fútbol, nadar, viajar y los videojuegos.



Career Experience

1. Google Development Specialist, NuvolCloud, Lima, Perú, 2015
a. Translations from English to Spanish of manuals, reports, etc.
b. Interpretation between Google and customers
c. Support and maintenance of Google services
d. Implement Google Apps for Work into client companies
e. Train users on how to use the full suite of Google Apps

2. Google Application Engineer, Tigabytes, Lima, Perú, 2013

3. Bilingual (Spanish-English) Customer Service , Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL, 2010-2011


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology Engineering, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Advanced English, ICPNA (Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano)

1. Project 1

  1. Industry: Education
  2. Type of document: American Girl Scouts Guides
  3. File Format: PDF
  4. Word Count: 30,000 words
  5. Challenge(s): The client has very specific requirements on translation style that the audiences are all young girls and the tone of the translation has to be "teen girl friendly". We are very happy about the translation quality since the translations were almost accepted at the first submission of the project without any changes by editors.

2. Project 2

  1. Industry: Construction Machinery
  2. Type of document: Nordco Equipment Operation Manual
  3. File Format: PDF
  4. Word Count: 45,000 words
  5. Challenge(s): Specific technical knowledge of the equipment by our translator was the key to the straight acceptance of the job by the customer.

3. Project 3

  1. Industry: Medical Equipment
  2. Type of document: Col-Palmer Equipment Operation Manual
  3. File Format: PDF
  4. Word Count: 10,000 words
  5. Challenge(s): Technical terminology.

4. Project 4

  1. Industry: Manufacturing
  2. Type of document: Power Transmission Manual
  3. File Format: Word document
  4. Word Count: 157,000 words
  5. Challenge(s): Word Files in Spanish in Identical Format to English Original

5. Project 5

  1. Industry: Environmental Health
  2. Type of document: 7 Safety Data Sheets
  3. File Format: RTF and PDF
  4. Word Count: 24,000 words
  5. Challenge(s): Translation and Typesetting of 7 Safety Data Sheets into Mexican Spanish in Identical Format to English Original

Contact Diego

To contact Diego Lévano, please call 847-413-1688 or e-mail him at diego.l@plg-online.com.